Saguache County Republican Central Committee General Meeting
June 12th at 6 pm

The Saguache County Republican Party will be conducting the General Meeting on Wednesday at 6 pm June 12th at the Saguache Business Center on the corner Hwy 285 and Denver Ave in Saguache.

We will be discussing the latest developments concerning the campaigns of
Marcus Weir and Jason Ensz for the offices of County Commissioner in CD 1 and CD 2. We feel more confident in the possibility of gaining these two seats and putting an end to decades of unbalanced Democrat rule. Both candidates are encouraged about their chances and are excited about getting in front of the voters in full campaign mode. Our candidates are now fully equipped with rack cards for hand outs and display areas along with 18" X 24" yard signs. We will have a full inventory at the meeting. You will be able to pick up your signs and cards at the meeting to distribute to your friends and neighbors.

We would also like to have a discussion on continuing to build on an election strategy with additional input from our commissioner candidates and those in attendance. We will be discussing the subject of additional funding for our two candidates to cover materials and services needed for the upcoming
election in November.

All registered Republicans are welcome to attend, but you must be a precinct chairperson or member of the Saguache County GOP Central committee
to vote on resolutions presented at the meeting.

We can win this, but It will take all of us to contribute our time and energy to get the message out to every eligible voter in the county. Our message is that this is the time for the people (Republican, Democrat and Unaffiliated) to reverse course and restore our Constitutional Republic form of government here in Colorado.

It all begins with us at the county/precinct level. The Uni-Party political establishment, ruling our state at the present time, wants to eliminate the precinct / caucus / assembly concept. They know it will empower the people and diminish their control. The p/c/a concept is the road map designed to effectively involve the people in the political process. It is the only logical and effective path to the recovery of our
Constitutional Republic here in Colorado.

All central committee persons are encouraged to attend this important meeting.

(all 17 names of the voting members on the current County Central Committee are listed below on this page)

*Note: If you have a folding chair, maybe it would be a good idea to bring it along just in case we have another shortage
of seating like we had at the last meeting.

For More information call:
719-530-1257 or email:

Mike Cowan / Chair
Terry Gillette / Vice Chair
Kyle Zimmerman / Sec. - Treas.

For More information call:
719-530-1257 or email:

Mike Cowan / Chair
Terry Gillette / Vice Chair
Kyle Zimmerman / Sec. - Treas.


Sangre de Cristo Range / Saguache County Colorado  
Saguache County Republican Party
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