Spring Fling 2014
State Assembly 2014
Fling 2012
Assembly 2012
People, Places, Events
Saguache County delegation to the 2016 State
Assembly / World Arena |
Early morning inside the
World Arena Colorado Springs
Saguache County Seating Area
Main Aisle
Ted Cruz Speaking on the
Big Screen
Cruz Addressing the Crowd
Cruz shaking hands after
his delivery speech
Bob Mattive accepting his
Marcy Freeburg accepting
her nomination
Senator Cory Gardner addresses
the crowd at the World Arena
Richard and fellow delegate
/ Steve House addresses the crowd
Richard Drake Rules Committee
Chairman giving the report
Three of our four esteemed
female delegates
Breakfast at the LaQuinta
Mr. Vice Chairman Steve Carlson
tending to business
CD-3 assembly at the Doubletree
Full house listens to Senator
Ted Cruz / nearly 4000 delegates
Saguache County delegation to the 2014 State
Assembly / Coors Events Center |
Early morning inside the
Coors Events Center
The big screens
View of the floor
Saguache County delegation
third row from the front
Crowd filing in
Nearly a full house / 3,900
Saguache County Delegates
paying close attention
Color Guard
Our humble leaders - Richard
and Steve
Podium and backdrop
Biff Gore entertained the
Rules Committee Chairman
Richard Drake addresses crowd
Brian DelGrosso State House
leader with dist. representatives
Bill Cadman State Senate
leader with Republican senate
Wayne Williams addresses
the crowd
Cynthia Coffman - candidate
for Attorney General
Mark Waller - candidate for
Attorney General
Candidate for Governor -
Steve House
Candidate for Governor -
Scott Gessler
Candidate for Governor -
Mike Kopp
Candidate for Governor -
Greg Brophy
Candidate for Governor -
Roni Bell Sylvester
Candidate for U.S. Senate
- Cory Gardner
Candidate for U.S. Senate
- Randy Baumgardner
Candidate for Congress CD-6
- Mike Coffman
State Senator Ellen Roberts
nominates Greg Brophy
Richard Drake and state party
Chairman Ryan Call
Anne and Ed
Terry and Kathy
Steve Introduces Richard
Richard starts things off
State Republian Party Chairman
/ Ryan Call
Candidate for House District
62 / Marcy Freeburg
Larry Crowder SD 35 / Marcy
David Cox candidate for Congressional
District 3
Cynthia Coffman candidate
for Attorney General
Justin and Cynthia
Connie Trujillo / County
Carla Gomez / County Clerk
Dan Warwick / Candidate for
Ellen Cox / Candidate for
County Commissioner
Janet Nelson-Cox / Candidate
for Assessor
Auction in action!
A little R&R -- Rocky
and Rebecca
Old Cow Town Entrance
Saguache County Old West
Old Cow Town Main Street
Chapel & Sunshine Social
Club Hotel
This one speaks for itself
OCT Dance Hall facilitates
the 2014 Spring Fling
Saguache County delegation to the 2012 State
Assembly / Denver University |
Main entrance Colorado Convention
Center / District
Main entrance Denver University
Ritchie Center / State
Colorado Convention Center
Ritchie Center prior to seating
4400 delegates and alternates
Ginger and Cathy wondering
where the rest of us are
Saguache County seating area
Vender tables at District
More vender tables at District
Rocy Mountain Gun Owners
of Colorado
Early in the day and first
to get set up
Wells Fargo Theatre check-in
tables for House District 3
Our youngest Delegates /
Jack and Diana
Richard and Ginger / Check-in
table for District JD-12
Steve and Treva looking healthy
and happy
Saguache Delegates waiting
for start of District 62 meeting
Diana, Richard and Jack outside
the Ritchie Center
Randy, Treva and Cathy at
Judicial District 12 meeting
Senate District 35 check-in
State House District HD-3
Saguache County delegation
Lights dimmed and ready to
Stampede Drum Line starts
it off
Presentation of the colors
Colorado RNC chairman Ryan
Call at the podium
Enthusiastic delegates (Craig
F. Walker, The Denver Post)
Senator John Thune speaks
as Romney delegates show support
(Craig F. Walker, The Denver Post) |
Delegates split on presidential
nominee support
(Craig F. Walker, The Denver Post) |
Old Cow Town Entrance
Saguache County Old West
Old Cow Town Main Street
Chapel & Sunshine Social
Club Hotel
This one speaks for itself
OCT Dance Hall facilitates
the 2012 Spring Fling
Ed and Annie's check-in table......minus
Ed and Annie
Getting fed prior to candidates
speeches in the dance hall
No one hesitated getting
to the popular "Food Line"
Our honored providers of
the pork and beef main course
Joe and Trish |
Excellent accomodations made
it enjoable for everyone
Well behaved special guest
enjoying the atmosphere
Steve giving inspiring pep
talk to fellow citizens
Commissioner Candidate Rock
Finley addressing the crowd
Allen revvin' up the crowd
Crowd Activity Between Speakers
Richard announcing the start
of auction activity
Auction Team
Auction activity toward the
More auction activity / great
facilty - wonderul atmosphere